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Courtenay Savage

Status: Incarcerated

..As seen on Women Behind Bars, Courtenay Savage was convicted of the attempted murder of a family and sentenced to 6 20 years sentences, and 2 5 years sentences. Her episode is described as Former law enforcement officer, Courtenay Savage, pled guilty to second-degree attempted murder; Lorri Worley stabs son-in-law to death..

She may be eligible for release on 6/8/2028

You can write to Courtenay Savage at:

Courtenay Savage 154998
​Gadsden Correctional Facility
6044 Greensboro Highway
Quincy, Florida 32351-9100

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  1. This #HLNTV show is so bad with such a NASTY OUTCOME that I'd say DON'T WATCH it if you don't like tremendous #FRUSTRATION.

    It features an over-ambitious woman, Christina Lodrini who STEALS her best friend Courtnay Savage's business, while the poor woman's in the hospital and, thereafter, proceeds to steal her customers when she opens a competing business! (... all of which HLN downplays to the point of hardly mentioning it!) And, then the innocent party (Savage) is charged w/#AttemptedMurder for firing a gun into the CEILING/attic of the thief who stole her business & DESTROYED HER LIFE. This poor betrayed woman is now serving a minimum of 20 years, having been charged w/MULTIPLE counts of #AttemptedMurder (unbelievably!)

    What a HORRIBLE SHOW. It tries to #brainwash us (the VIEWERS) into thinking that Christina Lodrini's this SUPER-ZEALOUS mom who SLAVES for her 5 children (for whom she refuses to ask for CHILD SUPPORT) while married to a man who DOESN'T WORK, so that WE WILL "SIDE WITH" this vicious shrew when we realize she's stolen her best friend's business & literally DESTROYED her best friend's ENTIRE LIFE!

    HLN presumes they'd brainwashed us (by repeating how much this enslaved mom insists on working & working & working... and working!!! for her many many Oh-So-MANY CHILDREN) to the point where we WON'T NOTICE how they've UNDERPLAYED Christina's BETRAYAL of Courtnay whose store & customers Christina's stolen.

    Guess what, HLN? You failed.

    Hey, @HLNTV, I don't care if Christina decided to have 50 children by 10 irresponsible men (obviously Christina's never heard of "CHILD SUPPORT"), I'm not going to "side with" a back-stabbing THIEF when she destroys her unsuspecting "BEST FRIEND's" business and LIFE. Yeah, #HLNTV, many of us are funny that way...

    No, you can't create a "SET UP" for "innocence" and expect us to not SEE THROUGH IT. Here's hoping Christina's NASTY actions REAP what she deserves (the BOYCOTT of her stores) and that COURTNEY makes a ton of FRIENDS while in prison that produce a ton of money once she's out!

    #HLNTV should RE-EDIT this show, portraying COURTNEY as the #VICTIM of Christina, the #PREDATOR and #THIEF that she is.

    Meanwhile, God will deal with Christina, who should HAND Courtney one of her chain of LINGERIE stores tied up with a BOW when she finally gets out of prison. It's the LEAST she could do for someone whose life she's destroyed, right?

    1. You had to miss taking your meds the day you posted this crap!

    2. gee whiz calm down lady. You repeated yourself too many times. The show showed the actual cctv footage of her shooting into the house, that's an equivalent to a drive by shooting and they too, would have been charged with attempted murder.

    3. I'm here for the comments, Hilarious!! The Chicago foodster had me cracking up!! &Lynn, is absolutely correct. I wanna know how Carmen Ortiz is? Did she get released & is still clean? I salute her sister for stepping up and raising her niece. That's AWESOME !! Her Babygirl misses her so much, Yu can tell that before drugs she was a good Mom to her daughter. She'll Neva forget how her mom was before drugs. As a recovering addict,(30yrs clean) my daughter always tell her kids how I spoiled her. Made me feel good that before drugs I was a good Mom. Anywho, good luck to all the women who has been given a second chance to do it Right. Blessings from Connecticut ❤️

  2. This #HLNTV show is so bad with such a NASTY OUTCOME that I'd say DON'T WATCH it if you don't like tremendous #FRUSTRATION.

    It features an over-ambitious woman, Christina Lodrini who STEALS her best friend Courtnay Savage's business, while the poor woman's in the hospital and, thereafter, proceeds to steal her customers when she opens a competing business! (... all of which HLN downplays to the point of hardly mentioning it!) And, then the innocent party (Savage) is charged w/#AttemptedMurder for firing a gun into the CEILING/attic of the thief who stole her business & DESTROYED HER LIFE. This poor betrayed woman is now serving a minimum of 20 years, having been charged w/MULTIPLE counts of #AttemptedMurder (unbelievably!)

    What a HORRIBLE SHOW. It tries to #brainwash us (the VIEWERS) into thinking that Christina Lodrini's this SUPER-ZEALOUS mom who SLAVES for her 5 children (for whom she refuses to ask for CHILD SUPPORT) while married to a man who DOESN'T WORK, so that WE WILL "SIDE WITH" this vicious shrew when we realize she's stolen her best friend's business & literally DESTROYED her best friend's ENTIRE LIFE!

    HLN presumes they'd brainwashed us (by repeating how much this enslaved mom insists on working & working & working... and working!!! for her many many Oh-So-MANY CHILDREN) to the point where we WON'T NOTICE how they've UNDERPLAYED Christina's BETRAYAL of Courtnay whose store & customers Christina's stolen.

    Guess what, HLN? You failed.

    Hey, @HLNTV, I don't care if Christina decided to have 50 children by 10 irresponsible men (obviously Christina's never heard of "CHILD SUPPORT"), I'm not going to "side with" a back-stabbing THIEF when she destroys her unsuspecting "BEST FRIEND's" business and LIFE. Yeah, #HLNTV, many of us are funny that way...

    No, you can't create a "SET UP" for "innocence" and expect us to not SEE THROUGH IT. Here's hoping Christina's NASTY actions REAP what she deserves (the BOYCOTT of her stores) and that COURTNEY makes a ton of FRIENDS while in prison that produce a ton of money once she's out!

    #HLNTV should RE-EDIT this show, portraying COURTNEY as the #VICTIM of Christina, the #PREDATOR and #THIEF that she is.

    Meanwhile, God will deal with Christina, who should HAND Courtney one of her chain of LINGERIE stores tied up with a BOW when she finally gets out of prison. It's the LEAST she could do for someone whose life she's destroyed, right?

    1. This must be your Courteney because nothing about this was justified. You deserve to be locked up. All because you made a stupid decision to go out of the country to get your teeth done and got sick, you had to turn your business over on a verbal agreement which was mistake number one. No matter who it is you need a legal binding contact always just for situations like this one. Now, your business closes and I believe you got jealous that Ms. Gentry was starting up a business of her own and you tried to kill her. How impulsive of you a so called trained police officer. So yea, you are where you need to be because your brain is not functioning properly on this matter.

    2. This must be your Courteney because nothing about this was justified. You deserve to be locked up. All because you made a stupid decision to go out of the country to get your teeth done and got sick, you had to turn your business over on a verbal agreement which was mistake number one. No matter who it is you need a legal binding contact always just for situations like this one. Now, your business closes and I believe you got jealous that Ms. Gentry was starting up a business of her own and you tried to kill her. How impulsive of you a so called trained police officer. So yea, you are where you need to be because your brain is not functioning properly on this matter.

    3. 😂😂😂 she says, "that poor, betrayed woman" referring to herself of course. I wonder how she got to use a computer in prison?! 😂

  3. Gabi... It's ridiculous that you believe that Courtenay has no responsibility in this outcome!! She fired a weapon into this woman's home on 3 different occasions and could have killed someone!! There were children in the home as well, not to include the two adults!! If this were the Wild West, yes she could have taken justice into her own hands.. To maliciously fire a gun into a home with children is just heartless and unforgivable!!

    You must be family or friend of hers, or know her personally to take such a ludicrous stand as you have with your statement above!! I understand that Christina may have taken money and/or ruined her business, but that gives Courtenay no right to shoot a gun into her home.. You take someone to court over money/financial issues, and obviously Christina wasn't going to be able to pay her anything.. No amount of money is worth someone else's life!!!

    It seems as if Courtenay started her own problems for herself, getting dental treatment down in Mexico!! WTF!!?? Being a dental professional for almost 20 years, anyone can tell you don't go to a developing country for any kind of medical or dental procedure! They don't have the same standard of care that we do here in the USA!!

    Watching the episode, it just seems like Courtenay has distanced herself from any kind of culpability for what happened by saying she doesn't deserve this harsh of punishment and that she's been framed for most of what happened to HER!! She may have not gotten such a sentencing had she not fled the state and had to get US Marshals and America's Most Wanted involved with trying to find her!! It just seems that she doesn't want or deserve any kind of punishment and has brainwashed her family, and now you Gabi, into believing the same thing..

    Such a shame for an attractive woman to have and sit and rot in a prison cell for 8 more years until she's eligible for parole!!!

    1. I absolutely agree. Not sure why that’s the top comment. It’s ludicrous. There’s no excuse for potentially taking a children’s lives in any manner. Or anyone’s life but especially innocent children. She’s where she belongs just for thinking that was OK.

    2. Had Courtenay showed any remose for her actions, her sentence might not have been so harsh. It's scary, that to this day, she believes her actions were justified! This we woman shows phycopathic tendencies!

    3. My daughter and niece were in that home when Courtney on SEVERAL occasions! There was know attic in that double wide Mobil home. She missed a 13 month old babies with those bullets and that baby received cuts from the broken glass! All those children were traumatized and had to be put into police protection after here SEVERAL attempts at getting back at Christina! Having a child that at 27 yrs old today still remembers those horrible sick things Courtney did is sad. She deserved more prison time if you ask me. This Gabi person has to be a relative of Courtneys only an idiot would make comments like that. Those kids all 6 of them could have been killed. Over money and a business that Courtney walked out on and abounded. I know about that business, Cortney her many affairs and life as well as i Know Christina. Clearly the victim is was and will always be Christina, those kids and an elderly lady that had an oxygen tank that could of been hit by a bullet and the house would of exploded. Get your facts straight like the program did before it aired.

    4. She has responsibility - but she did not attempt to murder anyone. Reckless endangerment at the MOST!! That cop was psycho. She deserved prison but no way 6 20 year sentences - that's a fit up

  4. Keep in mind that Courtenay has always run a publicity campaign to make her appear as innocent as possible, not unlike darlene gentry. Of course she's going to protest her innocence. It is not normal to do your own brand of vigilante justice. If she had a leg to stand on, she should have taken her to small claims court, that's what normal adults do. Google her name, she's ALL over the internet to this day.

  5. Lawd gabi, you are as sociopathic as Courtney. She belongs in prison and off the streets. You are as delusional as her family.

  6. Wow, “Gabi”, I didn’t know they let prisoners use the internet in Quincy.

    Nice try, Court.


  7. 1st time seeing this story about Courtenay. Seems like her anger got the best of her. If I'm alive in 2028 id be glad to have a lunch date with Courtenay.! A friend told me that Florida should change they're motto to " leave on vacation , come home on probation."

  8. She is a psychopath and she is exactly where she belongs. I would be worried if I was Christina for when this psycho gets out of prison. Her attitude has not changed and with her personality she will definitely be looking for payback. Just be prepared for when this loony gets out of prison.

  9. Smh. This story is just sounds crazy. Haven't seen it yet but now curious to watch. If this chick is who everyone says she is...smh and I damn sure that isn't you writing comments in 3rd person. Please get some help.

  10. The media glorified Christina making her seem so innocent. One can look on her past to see that she gets arrested on charges. I couldn't feel sorry for her. This is how she treats her friends that she backstabs her. As long as she lives, she'll be making friends just to betray them. I'd try to avoid being near her, too


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